2009 began with the birth of David & Carrie's third child/my first nephew, Andrew. Deavin portrayed Jesus for Canaan's Easter drama and my God, what a beautiful Jesus he was. Deavin and I went to the beach with Daniel & his then-girlfriend, Amanda. We parasailed :) , made 5 AM Walmart trips, fell asleep on the beach, and listened to a brawl in the next room while laying on bunk beds in a hallway. We went to the Crawfish Boil and saw Everclear, Katy Perry, and All American Rejects. It was at the Crawfish Boil that we also got second hand molested on a ferris wheel with another couple. We went to City Stages and saw 38 Special, Styx, Doobie Brothers, REO Speedwagon, and Lynyrd Skynyrd. Deavin, Ryan, Chad, and I made a trip to Six Flags - my first trip there since I was about 7. Daniel ran over Tigger, who had to have jaw surgery and looked absolutely pathetic for a few weeks. We floated down the Cahaba twice during the summer. I stopped going to PGUMC and started visiting Canaan. I visited Pleasant Hill for a few months during the summer. We put coffee in our hair to make it darker and mayonnaise in our hair to make it softer. We went to a Yankees-Braves games at Turner Field the same day that Michael Jackson died. I started the hell that is known as nursing school, and somehow survived my first semester with successful grades. The Yankees won the world series. Deavin proposed to me on November 7 at the University of Alabama's campus, the day of the Alabama-LSU game. I still stare at the ring constantly, and he somehow makes me love him more with each passing day. We spent the night of Thanksgiving camping outside of Best Buy in Hoover to buy new laptops, nearly freezing to death, but it was worth it. Alabama is the SEC champs and national champs of 2009.
Thursday, December 31, 2009
Another auld lang syne
It's December 31, 2009 and the time has come to recap the major events that happened during the year. What a year it has been. I can only hope that 2010 can be just as good as 2009, but hopefully it will be even better!
2009 began with the birth of David & Carrie's third child/my first nephew, Andrew. Deavin portrayed Jesus for Canaan's Easter drama and my God, what a beautiful Jesus he was. Deavin and I went to the beach with Daniel & his then-girlfriend, Amanda. We parasailed :) , made 5 AM Walmart trips, fell asleep on the beach, and listened to a brawl in the next room while laying on bunk beds in a hallway. We went to the Crawfish Boil and saw Everclear, Katy Perry, and All American Rejects. It was at the Crawfish Boil that we also got second hand molested on a ferris wheel with another couple. We went to City Stages and saw 38 Special, Styx, Doobie Brothers, REO Speedwagon, and Lynyrd Skynyrd. Deavin, Ryan, Chad, and I made a trip to Six Flags - my first trip there since I was about 7. Daniel ran over Tigger, who had to have jaw surgery and looked absolutely pathetic for a few weeks. We floated down the Cahaba twice during the summer. I stopped going to PGUMC and started visiting Canaan. I visited Pleasant Hill for a few months during the summer. We put coffee in our hair to make it darker and mayonnaise in our hair to make it softer. We went to a Yankees-Braves games at Turner Field the same day that Michael Jackson died. I started the hell that is known as nursing school, and somehow survived my first semester with successful grades. The Yankees won the world series. Deavin proposed to me on November 7 at the University of Alabama's campus, the day of the Alabama-LSU game. I still stare at the ring constantly, and he somehow makes me love him more with each passing day. We spent the night of Thanksgiving camping outside of Best Buy in Hoover to buy new laptops, nearly freezing to death, but it was worth it. Alabama is the SEC champs and national champs of 2009.

2009 began with the birth of David & Carrie's third child/my first nephew, Andrew. Deavin portrayed Jesus for Canaan's Easter drama and my God, what a beautiful Jesus he was. Deavin and I went to the beach with Daniel & his then-girlfriend, Amanda. We parasailed :) , made 5 AM Walmart trips, fell asleep on the beach, and listened to a brawl in the next room while laying on bunk beds in a hallway. We went to the Crawfish Boil and saw Everclear, Katy Perry, and All American Rejects. It was at the Crawfish Boil that we also got second hand molested on a ferris wheel with another couple. We went to City Stages and saw 38 Special, Styx, Doobie Brothers, REO Speedwagon, and Lynyrd Skynyrd. Deavin, Ryan, Chad, and I made a trip to Six Flags - my first trip there since I was about 7. Daniel ran over Tigger, who had to have jaw surgery and looked absolutely pathetic for a few weeks. We floated down the Cahaba twice during the summer. I stopped going to PGUMC and started visiting Canaan. I visited Pleasant Hill for a few months during the summer. We put coffee in our hair to make it darker and mayonnaise in our hair to make it softer. We went to a Yankees-Braves games at Turner Field the same day that Michael Jackson died. I started the hell that is known as nursing school, and somehow survived my first semester with successful grades. The Yankees won the world series. Deavin proposed to me on November 7 at the University of Alabama's campus, the day of the Alabama-LSU game. I still stare at the ring constantly, and he somehow makes me love him more with each passing day. We spent the night of Thanksgiving camping outside of Best Buy in Hoover to buy new laptops, nearly freezing to death, but it was worth it. Alabama is the SEC champs and national champs of 2009.
Monday, December 21, 2009
So this is love...
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Lately, if I were to be a color, I would be green. Alabama's headed to the National Championship game in Pasadena, California in January. And, of course, my dad and brother are booked to go. Needless to say, I am so jealous. It's not really the game that I am so desperate to see. Sure, I would love to see Alabama win their 13th national championship, but the real reason I am near crazy is that I have always wanted to visit California. Especially Los Angeles! Despite my family's tendency to be full of homebodies, I have somehow acquired an interest in traveling. I want to see things - everything! And California happens to be one of the tops on my list.
Yes, I know I will get there one day in the near future. I can't wait!
And just for fun, here are pictures of a few other places I plan to visit, in no particular order (Deavin, I hope you're ok with these) :
Sydney, Australia. This one is mainly for Deavin, but I am sure it is beautiful and I am also interested in visiting.
Atlantis Resort in Nassau, Bahamas
What life is complete without going to Vegas once?
Paris, France. Whether the natives bathe or not, I don't care.
Washington, D.C.
London, England. They probably win the award for cutest accent.
Napa Valley, California. I loooove vineyards.
New York City, New York. Been determined to go here since I was 12!
Of course, this list is incomplete and only reflects a few of the many places I hope to visit.
Monday, December 14, 2009
Sunday, December 6, 2009
Oh, future nursing students
Dear future nursing students,
I know you are all so excited to be entering the oh-so-wonderful school of nursing this upcoming semester. Only a month away! You're attending your 3 days of God-awful orientation, scheduling your classes, and ordering those precious starch white uniforms. As you gather all of your cute nursing school belongings and have totes monogrammed with "UAB Nursing" on them, the current nursing students and all shaking their heads at you. Maybe some of us are even laughing. Because we know, unfortunately, this newness and excitement will soon wear off. And very soon it will be! You will quickly discover that most of your professors are in cahoots with the devil. You will fall asleep with those expensive nursing books in your bed. You will study for a quiz coming up the next day, only to fail it miserably because nothing on that quiz was even in your book. You will form a very close friendship with at least one person in your class...not that you have much of a choice in this matter. After all, you have to see that person half naked by the end of the semester to do your physical assessment on them. And about that physical assessment - the teachers will practically do anything to fail you. And failing simply means scoring below a 90%. Yes, in cahoots with the devil, indeed. You will meet your first patient and be petrified that you will break him or her, and think that your first day has to be the worst patient you could ever imagine. Ha. However, you will discover that your patients get harder and more difficult with much more complex situations as your semester progresses. You will question yourself and your intentions of becoming a nurse. Fear not- this is normal. You will also have some of your peers drop out because they spend more time taking pictures of themselves in their uniform than actually doing work. You will probably fail the medical dosage calculations test because the teachers themselves do not know how to perform simple math. You will cry. You will be irritated with at least 10 e-mails per day that essentially say nothing, but somehow ends up in giving you more work to do. You will cry, again. I hope you remember your anatomy and physiology. You're going to regret not coming to ES and asking for my help when you are learning how to test cranial nerves on patients. And we will get the last laugh. Enjoy your holiday break. I know you won't listen to me and just pretend like you will be the best nursing student ever. That's ok. You will see.
Just remember, this too shall pass. And if it doesn't, well...that sucks.
I know you are all so excited to be entering the oh-so-wonderful school of nursing this upcoming semester. Only a month away! You're attending your 3 days of God-awful orientation, scheduling your classes, and ordering those precious starch white uniforms. As you gather all of your cute nursing school belongings and have totes monogrammed with "UAB Nursing" on them, the current nursing students and all shaking their heads at you. Maybe some of us are even laughing. Because we know, unfortunately, this newness and excitement will soon wear off. And very soon it will be! You will quickly discover that most of your professors are in cahoots with the devil. You will fall asleep with those expensive nursing books in your bed. You will study for a quiz coming up the next day, only to fail it miserably because nothing on that quiz was even in your book. You will form a very close friendship with at least one person in your class...not that you have much of a choice in this matter. After all, you have to see that person half naked by the end of the semester to do your physical assessment on them. And about that physical assessment - the teachers will practically do anything to fail you. And failing simply means scoring below a 90%. Yes, in cahoots with the devil, indeed. You will meet your first patient and be petrified that you will break him or her, and think that your first day has to be the worst patient you could ever imagine. Ha. However, you will discover that your patients get harder and more difficult with much more complex situations as your semester progresses. You will question yourself and your intentions of becoming a nurse. Fear not- this is normal. You will also have some of your peers drop out because they spend more time taking pictures of themselves in their uniform than actually doing work. You will probably fail the medical dosage calculations test because the teachers themselves do not know how to perform simple math. You will cry. You will be irritated with at least 10 e-mails per day that essentially say nothing, but somehow ends up in giving you more work to do. You will cry, again. I hope you remember your anatomy and physiology. You're going to regret not coming to ES and asking for my help when you are learning how to test cranial nerves on patients. And we will get the last laugh. Enjoy your holiday break. I know you won't listen to me and just pretend like you will be the best nursing student ever. That's ok. You will see.
Just remember, this too shall pass. And if it doesn't, well...that sucks.
2009 SEC Champs
Monday, November 30, 2009
Black Friday
As always, Thanksgiving was wonderful. And as always, I overate. Of course, I inevitably felt disgusted with myself most of the day. Deavin and I had big plans to hopefully buy new Sony Vaio laptops at Best Buy. We knew ahead of time that Best Buy would be opening at 5 A.M. on Black Friday, and we were planning to be prepared.
Come Thanksgiving night, we begin to get nervous about large crowds. After all, there are some pretty insane people that probably skipped Thanksgiving dinner just to sit outside of the store to get their 50" HD TV or whatever gadget is so worthy of their time.
Anyhow, we arrive at Best Buy at 9 P.M., not midnight like we originally planned. We were about 28th in line. Already! The night was miserable at a frigid 32 degrees. Both of us couldn't feel our toes. And I was sure that my face was frostbitten. Around 3:45 or so, the employees began handing out tickets for specific items that we were wanting. Unfortunately, right before they got to us, they ran out of tickets for our precious Sony Vaio laptops. :( So we turned to our second choice: the Toshiba.
Basically, we got the Toshiba laptops and they're beautiful. I love it. And it's way better than any Mac.
However, during our stay outside of the wonderful Hoover Best Buy, we encountered a variety of crazies that I won't soon forget. One redneck told us stories about how much he loved the Waffle House, and how IHOP doesn't put any butter on his biscuits. Another girl talked the entire night, including Hulk Hogan, Macbooks, and "wakey wakey eggs and bacey" in her monologue.
Even though this laptop was worth it, I hope I am never compelled to freeze my butt off outside for 8 hours again!
Friday, November 27, 2009
We're Engaged!

November 7, 2009
Deavin asked me to marry him at the University of Alabama right before the Alabama/LSU game. Of course, I said yes, but I was in complete and utter shock for quite awhile.
He is sneaky, but did an amazing job at picking out the beautiful ring.
We don't have a date set yet, but we're looking at the fall of 2011.
Can't wait!
Saturday, November 21, 2009
Skinny Jeans
I cannot believe I haven't addressed this subject yet. Despite these "skinny" jeans being so popular, I cannot fathom why anyone would wear them. Seriously, they do not look good on anyone. I shudder every time I see some stupid girl walking around with these on, especially when they are tucked into stupid-looking furry boots.
I don't know about you people, but I am a huge advocate of bringing back BELLBOTTOMS.
Now that I see these, I am going to find some with whatever money I may get for Christmas. Team Bellbottoms!
Check your blood sugar and check it often
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
"He who shall not be named..." They're calling me Lord Voldermont!!??
Kids these days don't even know how to ask for candy on Halloween. They just hold their bags out like a bunch of lazy people getting Obama bucks in Detroit. Some don't even ring the doorbell; they just stand and spy in your home until you notice their treachery. They're a bunch of good for nothings, they stink, and I hate em!! White power.

Sunday, July 12, 2009
How Old Is Your Baby?
I hate hearing the conversation between two women discussing a baby. One will begin the exchange by commenting on how cute the little guy or girl is. Then the inevitable question is presented: How old is he/she? This is where it all falls apart. The ridiculous mother then proceeds to answer with her child's age counted not in years or even in half years, but months. Months?! How old is your baby? 27 months! Ok, where do you draw the line and decide that the kid is too old for his/her age to be measured in months? I don't know about you, but if my child was 27 months old, I'd just say that he's two. End of story.
The next time I am asked about my age, I should reply, "243 months!" and see how well that goes over.
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
Hi-Tech Toilets
We've all experienced it - the surprise flush from a motion sensor public toilet that flushes far before we are ready, or even considering being done with our necessary visit. Whenever I am in contact with one of these lovely appliances, it flushes at least twice -maybe three times- without my prior consent, thus making me look like I have a serious bladder or rectal issue at hand. Even Tyson Ritter is afraid of these things, claiming that the power behind one of these toilets could such a fetus out of the womb. What happened to just the standard handle? Maybe even a button to push when we feel necessary.
Monday, June 29, 2009
So if it's on TV does it make it right?
I have a problem with a lot of our "entertainment" in today's society. Namely 2 shows to direct my frustration at right now: The Bachelor and The Bachelorette. I just do not understand why this man and woman, can "date", I believe that to be a loose term because I think a lot of it is rigged, so many people at one time. They each take one out on a date, and then turns around and takes another out, makes out with them, and drops them back off at where ever they're staying. If this was to happen in the real world, not to be confused with another show called "The Real World," they would be called what I like to say, "Floozies." I think it's a horrible way to find your spouse, and is probably why Trista is the only one that is still married... luck.

Sunday, June 14, 2009
Sorostitutes and Fratasses

I apologize for offending anyone, but then again - no, I take that back. I don't apologize. I say exactly what I feel is appropriate for the situation.
Sororities and fraternities are inevitably created for those who cannot find friends the old, traditional and conventional way. No, no...they must pay far too much money per month to be included into one of these Greek societies and buy their friendships. In this exchange of money for fake friends, they get caught up in getting drunk, having sex with everybody, hazing, and looking absolutely ridiculously cheap in their low cut dresses, and stilettos while holding their staple RED cups and cell phones in their hands. And the guys are decked out in polos, short shorts (that would otherwise make them look gay), and Costa del Mar sunglasses.
Suddenly they become better than everyone else. Sorry, but there's no way I'd want to be contributing that much money to a stupid group of college students, waste time at parties/mixers, go to weekly, inconvenient chapter meetings, and be held accountable to participate in mandatory fundraisers. How, do tell, is this fun?
Do us all a favor and don't post your drunken frat party pictures on Facebook the next morning. The same morning you are trying to find an instant cure for your massive hangover and figuring out who that stranger is lying next to you.
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Dear Irrational, Overprotective Parents
Back in my day, there was no such thing as a safety net for a trampoline. If we fell, it hurt. If we fell hard enough, we broke bones. And you know what? That's ok. Kids will be kids. They're clumsy, ridiculous, and hyper - but they're only kids for such a brief period of time. Why can't they just forgo the unnecessary pads for riding your bike or roller blading, take off that ugly net from your trampoline, and screw bike helmets. We never wore or had such insane protection growing up, and I believe we all turned out fine. They're so freaking overprotected that we don't allow them to get hurt. Just stop it and let them learn from their mistakes. Our society is fostering sissys.
Sunday, May 17, 2009
Heinz > Hunt's
As one of few ketchup connoisseurs, I feel the need to discuss the most loved condiment in the world. Whenever I am at a restaurant, I quickly locate the ketchup bottle and assess it by holding it, determining whether it contains enough or not. If not, I exchange it with another table's full bottle. If it is full, let's go. BUT the most important factor about the condiment is the brand. Let's face it, Hunt's ketchup sucks. If it's all I have, I will suck it up and eat it, but Heinz is the best. It should be the only type available anywhere. And this, my friends, is a very important issue.
Beach Weddings
Ask any woman if she would like to have a beach wedding. You're sure to have every one of us swoon over the idea of such an idyllic place for the most romantic day of our lives. But is having a beach wedding really as glamorous as we imagine?
- The guest list must be small. Very small.
- Formal wear is basically out of the question. Men are typically in khaki pants and a shirt, while the bride has to wear a sleek white dress that vaguely resembles that of a traditional wedding gown. Sure, you could purchase a huge Cinderella-type gown and have your beach wedding, but good luck with all of that sand your pretty dress accumulates.
- No shoes, considering sand isn't very shoe-friendly. Come on, the pretty shoes are half the fun.
- The risk of inclement weather can severely mess up your wedding day plans.
- Wind. Though this is similar to weather conditions, the beach is a prime place for serious wind to ruin the hair that you just had worked on for hours.
- Just hope that the tourists who are hanging off of their condo balconies keep quiet during your ceremony instead of making loud comments, noises, etc. that make ruin everything. It's also just a little creepy that these strangers are passive participants in your wedding anyway.
- Does your family and close friends stay in the same hotel/condo that you and your new bride or groom are staying at? Talk about weird.
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