Lately, if I were to be a color, I would be green. Alabama's headed to the National Championship game in Pasadena, California in January. And, of course, my dad and brother are booked to go. Needless to say, I am so jealous. It's not really the game that I am so desperate to see. Sure, I would love to see Alabama win their 13th national championship, but the real reason I am near crazy is that I have always wanted to visit California. Especially Los Angeles! Despite my family's tendency to be full of homebodies, I have somehow acquired an interest in traveling. I want to see things - everything! And California happens to be one of the tops on my list.
Yes, I know I will get there one day in the near future. I can't wait!
And just for fun, here are pictures of a few other places I plan to visit, in no particular order (Deavin, I hope you're ok with these) :
Sydney, Australia. This one is mainly for Deavin, but I am sure it is beautiful and I am also interested in visiting.
Atlantis Resort in Nassau, Bahamas
What life is complete without going to Vegas once?
Paris, France. Whether the natives bathe or not, I don't care.
Washington, D.C.
London, England. They probably win the award for cutest accent.
Napa Valley, California. I loooove vineyards.
New York City, New York. Been determined to go here since I was 12!
Of course, this list is incomplete and only reflects a few of the many places I hope to visit.
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