Deavin's is very nice also, and looks great on him. ;)
Our honeymoon has also been reserved. We'll be staying at The Fountains resort in Orlando, Florida, which I am extremely excited about. Thanks to the lovely Mr. & Mrs. Corn for the greatest wedding gift.
Since the last time I wrote anything I also got a job as a CA at Children's Hospital on an orthopedic/rehab unit. I'm enjoying it, but it makes me very tired! However, if there's a job at the end of this tunnel, it's worth it.
The dreaded fourth semester of nursing school as already begun, and hopefully it won't be as bad as others have described. I'll be on a general med-surg unit at Children's Hospital for 1 week (that's all - crazy, I know, but great). For my adult nursing rotation I'll be on the plastic surgery/urology unit at University hospital. Hoping that goes well too.
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