
Monday, December 20, 2010

That's definitely Merritt

We are all a little weird, and life's a little weird. And when we find someone whose weirdness is compatible with ours, we join up with them and fall in mutual weirdness and call it love.
Dr. Seuss

Monday, December 13, 2010

Beginning of a Break

4th semester is over! If I calculated correctly, I should come out with As in both of my classes (a miracle by any man's standards in this school)! We had our final last Friday, and that afternoon we had our preceptorship lottery. I needed some serious Versed that entire day because I was so nervous about that lottery, which I think is just a horrible way of doing the assignments, but that's just my humble opinion. By the grace of God, I was #3 of 111 people to choose a preceptorship. I will be spending 225 hours in special care at Children's and I'm looking forward to it. I just don't know what I am going to do with myself without having to read or do some type of school work for three weeks. It just seems unnatural, but I think I'll somehow deal.

First day of the break, Deavin and I went to Brittany's graduation at Coleman Coliseum. She got a big girl job this week also, and we're proud of her accomplishments. :)

Backing up a few days, Brittany (bridesmaid), Whitney (bridesmaid), Liz (Maid of Honor), my mom, and I went to David's Bridal for the girls to try on the bridesmaid dress I have been in love with since I saw my sister-in-law wear it in June. They all looked awesome in the dress and it is SO flattering on everyone. I'm very excited about them!

How could I leave this face out? He loves laying under Christmas trees. I will get a picture of him wearing his Christmas sweater under the tree.

Monday, December 6, 2010

I never thought I'd say this

I am sad to see my adult health clinical be over (with the exception of the 3:45 A.M. wake-up). I really enjoyed this group of people. We were always laughing about something, whether it was Jon's antics with giving all of his patient's baths or when I overflowed the toilet. It was a really great clinical!
A few things I want to write down so I can look back one day and laugh:
Lauren S. always had blood sugar problems. It was ever 12 or 400 - no in between! Jon loved making all his patients look "fresh" so he spent a lot of his days bathing and washing hair, then walking his patients up and down the hall to show them off to everybody. Evan was ever-so-loved by Ms. Pat, the PCT. She affectionately called him "Red" and he was her favorite, though she loved all of us undoubtedly. When we got bored we would make laps around the unit and pretend to be doing important tasks. Jenny was quite sneaky and managed to never have to deal with a patient with a trach (and when I say "deal with" I don't mean that in a negative way towards those with trachs. She just did not want to suction out a trachea, and that is pretty understandable). Alley, the "local expert on piggybacks", always had a breast cancer patient. I always said she was the lucky one, because most of my patients had prostate issues! Amy and Lauren were constantly in their patients' rooms, because they were the really, really sweet/nice people out of the group, haha. Mrs. P loved to tell us about her great dane, tell stories about red robins in hats, and had the funniest expressions for just about every thing. We had several good nurses and a overflow of bad/mean ones, but we always made the best of the day. And, of course, we cannot forget our two week trip to the neuro ICU.