I hate this book. Lilley, Harrington, and Snyder has been the utmost pain the my side this semester. I would gladly make a bonfire with this book if I knew for sure I didn't need it in the future...or if I couldn't get any money for it from the bookstore. (I'm still debating whether to keep it for future reference or be cheap & just sell it to get money.) Anyhow, I vividly remember the very first day of pharmacology class this semester. The Han walks in, all intimidating-like in her Asian ways, and tells us that whoever our best friend may be is no longer our best friend for January-May of 2010. Lilley (referring to this ridiculous textbook) will be our best friend this semester.
I have laughed out loud every time I refer back to this memory.
Goodbye, Pharmacology. Forever. Having to take another Pharmacology class is enough to deter me from even considering nurse practitioner school!