
Friday, August 2, 2013

Anniversary Trip

I had a pretty stellar 11 days off work in July to accompany Deavin to New Orleans for a week-long school trip. He was going down there for two classes that lasted five days, and one of those days happened to be our 2nd wedding anniversary. So...what better excuse could there be to go too?

I absolutely fell in love with New Orleans last year, which was my first trip there. This time, one of Deavin's co-workers, a NOLA native, suggested some of his favorite places to eat.

One of my favorites, R&O's in Bucktown. Greaaaat roast beef sandwich. And it was massive!

Playing some silly little game in between classes.

The chapel on NOBTS campus. I have honestly seen more of the campus than Deavin has! Every morning I ran 3 or so miles, making laps around the gated campus. I enjoy the scenery and the gorgeous Louisiana trees.

Happy 2nd anniversary! This was right before our anniversary dinner.

We went to Drago's for dinner, which was highly suggested by many people. We weren't all that impressed, but I did try some really strange food (for me, at least): duck, charbroiled oysters, filet mignon, and blackened catfish. Apparently my usual menu doesn't have much variety.

St. Louis Cathedral in Jackson Square

Bourbon Street

The Morning Call Coffee Stand is a 24-hour restaurant in City Park that serves coffee and beignets! Just as good as Cafe Du Monde, but definitely quieter.

Exploring City Park

And here's Deavin on the field that we got kicked off of. Long story.

Saturday, July 6, 2013

Diamond girl, you sure do shine

Diamond girl, roamin' wild
Such a rare thing, radiant child...

It's officially day 2 of my 11 day vacation and I'm ecstatic to have a substantial time away from work. June was filled with working extra days and going to the hospital for renew my certification in neonatal resuscitation and annual competencies. Therefore, this break is very welcomed!

This week has been a little different. Poor Deavin had a pilonidal cyst removed and we've been trying to take care of his wound as best as we can. He doesn't like me very much during dressing changes, but he'll thank me later when it heals properly.

Tomorrow we leave for New Orleans to spend the week! The main reason for the trip is that Deavin has two classes he is taking. I'm tagging along to get away from normal life for awhile AND to celebrate our 2nd wedding anniversary on Tuesday. 

When we get back from our getaway, we have to begin packing up the apartment...moving day will only be two & a half weeks away from then! I'm really excited about getting away from apartment life (way too cramped), but I very much dread packing our things. 

I digress from the negative and will highlight the positives of the move: more space, not being connected to other's homes, and decorating! Here are some of my ideas for the new place (thanks to Pinterest for the pictures).

I will definitely be hanging up hooks above the garden tub in the master bath to hang towels. I hate having towels thrown over the shower curtain rod or off of doors.

The master bath will be very neutral, with only a pop of color coming from the hydrangea I plan to put on the counter. I LOVE this idea of having a small accent wall with stripes.

I'm also struggling with how I want to decorate the guest bedroom. It will all come together, I know. The only problem is that my personality type is the kind that wants everything decorated perfectly as soon as we move in! 

On a completely different topic, I've been obsessed with the Despicable Me minions lately. I love that movie and they are definitely my favorite part of it! I think the minions and I share a very similar sense of humor.

Now that I've rambled on long enough, I leave you with one of the best pins on Pinterest that I have. This is definitely something I need printed out and hung in our home as a daily reminder.

Monday, June 24, 2013

"I love Scott Baio."

The Saturday prior to Father's Day we went to Chuy's with Deavin's dad, Mike, and brother, Bradly.

A rare photo of the three together!

I'm off work today and enjoying myself, despite the rain and clouds. I woke up early - 5:30 A.M. seems to be my consistent wake up time whether I'm working or not. I started out the day with a good run, but noticed that my hopeful pool plans may not be happening due to less than sunny conditions. Since I can't go outside and enjoy the sun for now, I decided to show off what the cats are up to this morning.

Hershel has been adamant about wanting to go outside... 

If I could just reach the door handle.

Ava, looking pretentious.

"Rainy days and Mondays always get me down."

Well, I'll just entertain you on your table where I don't belong!

It takes a good 10 minutes to get Wilford to look in my general direction, much less straight at the camera. He's such a diva, but I wanted to get a good photo to show Deavin's Aunt CoCo, who happens to love Wilford.

That's all for now. I'm looking forward to some upcoming photo shoots at the end of the summer with some cute babies and my favorite pregnant friend! AND we're New Orleans bound in 2 weeks (yaaay).

Thursday, June 13, 2013

Weekend Trip to Huntsville

Last Friday after my on-call shift at work, we headed to Huntsville for the weekend. That night we stayed with Deavin's mom, Chelle, and her husband, Kenneth. We watched most of Identity Thief, which was hilarious, and headed to bed in preparation for the tea party to come on Saturday morning! We started Saturday off right with an awesome breakfast thanks to the wonderful Chelle. Let me say, a quick way to my heart is by having a good breakfast! Just another reason why I am a morning person I guess.

The tea party was set to start at 10 A.M. at my brother & sister-in-law's house.

Hannah anxiously awaiting the arrival of her friends.

 Abby was more than happy to give me a smile every time she saw the camera pointed towards her.

The girl's got moves.

Sweet friends

The gorgeous wheat field behind David's house. Perfect for photo sessions! ;)

Even Briggs joined in on the tea party fun!

David is a newly licensed real estate agent with Woodland Homes of Huntsville. Since I have never seen any of the communities, we made a stop by Shadow Brook and Kelly Cove to look in some really nice homes. If you live or want to live in the Huntsville area, check out David at Woodland Homes!

We made our way back to Chelle & Kenneth's house for a family photo session. Since we can't see Chelle on her birthday (I work, of course) we spent time with her & these photos (plus many more) are her birthday present.

I love this because of Bradly's genuine smile.

Chelle and her boys.

A lot of laughter

I looove this.

& this, too.

I couldn't leave out Vanilla!

We had a great weekend in Huntsville surrounded by family. Now I'm on my 6 days off -GLORY!- and looking forward to relaxation, sun, and celebrating Father's Day.

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Long Black Train

I'm not sure why I have such a problem keeping up with writing in my blog. I read others' blogs daily, yet somehow don't make time for my own. Which just puts me in this situation - having to play major catchup and highlight the events of the past month or so. Here goes...

Following my birthday, April was fairly uneventful (except work - work seems to constantly be moving these days. Busy doesn't even  begin to describe its chaos). Granny's birthday was at the end of April and we celebrated with a packed celebration at Full Moon. A Sunday afternoon at a barbecue restaurant is obviously not the best place to plan a large get-together. At least if you want to sit with your family at the same table. I digress.

In May we took a trip with our friends Nick & Raven to Navarre Beach, FL. I LOVED being back at the beach and had a ridiculously hard time leaving and returning to work the day after we got back home. I'm pretty sure I'm supposed to be a beach bum. Deavin just needs to get on my bandwagon. ;)

I love it!!

Nick was kind enough to recreate our wedding photos since we were really disappointed in our wedding day photos. We have 2 preview photos thus far and I'm excited about seeing the rest. Thanks, Elam Photography. :o)

 After working Memorial Day weekend (of course), I actually had Memorial Day off! Deavin and I spent the day at my parents' house with my two brothers, sister-in-law, nieces, and nephew. I always have a good time with family. I'm pretty certain there are no other people than family who can infuriate me so much yet make my heart so full of joy and love.
Hannah's quite a rock star with her dad's Ray Bans.

 Abby enjoyed blowing bubbles and, consequently, getting soap suds all over us.

 Naturally, Deavin joined in on the bubble fun and became the master at making huge bubbles.

Dad preparing the food!

Bath time came. Photog Aunt B couldn't resist getting some photos of the kids. Their future spouses are sure to love these!
Sweet Molly :)
 Mom even got into a little of the bubble-blowing action.

The latest BIG NEWS to share is that our sweet friends Matt & Kelli are having a baby girl!!
They had a gender reveal for little Karis Makenzie Butts on May 28th in Gardendale. I was privileged enough photo document their reveal to family & friends. More to come when I post them to my photography blog...

Second big news is that Deavin and I are going to be homeowners as of August 2nd! We have signed a contract on a home in a nearby town and will be closing on the house in August. We're so excited about this move, but this summer is going to be a little crazy between packing, working extra shifts to save a little money for house purchases, and Alicia's wedding activities. Yikes.

 And, as if you aren't ready for my rambling to stop yet, our last highlight of the last month was this past Saturday night. We went to the Alabaster City Fest with the sole purpose of seeing Josh Turner (or at least my purpose). After hours of rain and being surrounded by many interesting people, we were able to hear Josh play some songs, including my favorite "Time Is Love."

Our (distant) view of the stage from where we stood.

Well, that is all for now. There will definitely be some more to share in the upcoming weeks - photos included (they seem to make posts much more enjoyable, at least to me).

Grace and peace to you,